The BIG picture!

Hubby and I are going through a stage of praying and seeking what God has for us to do next in our lives. The possibilities are endless, since we are not tied down to this earth by any specific school, house, or thing. However, once we narrow it down, at this stage, there are two more realistic options; one is to stay in New Zealand and minister to Israeli’s here, and the other is to return to Israel, and do “we don’t know what yet” there.

My husband is leaning more towards the one option, and I’m leaning more towards the other, which has led GOD to lead ME more into His Word to train me to be willing to submit!

Today, within a fleeting moment, God renewed my mind without any forewarning, but with all foreknowledge, to see the BIG picture… and it was enough to change my perspective on everything!


The big picture is that this Earth belongs to God. He has, by His gracious Hand, ordained that I be born into it at a certain point in history. By His goodness, He has given me everything that I need to live and thrive and grow, and most importantly from among these, He has granted me salvation!!! And one day, at the moment of HIS choosing, He will take my breath away, and at that very instant, I will be with Him in Eternal Glory; to behold His face, to bask in His holy presence, to dwell in His house, and to serve Him forever.

That’s the big picture, one that I am a part of.

So, to zoom out again… here I am, during the short years that I have on this earth, and for these few years, all that matters, is that I am serving him with my whole life, that I am dying to my sinful will, that I am following His Word, His desires, and His standard!

Where I do that – as far as I’m concerned = Not top priority

What I am doing while I’m doing that – as far as I’m concerned = Not top priority

Living for Him, with Him, under Him, engulfed by Him, immersing myself in His Word, focusing on His grace, His mercy, His love, spreading His salvation, drawing joy from His strength, and seeking His will, being faithful with the treasures that He has given me, THESE are my TOP PRIORITY!

I can do these any time and any where. I SHOULD be doing these ALL the time and EVERYwhere…

Lord, hear my heart, and may YOUR will be done… Amen!

But godliness with contentment is great gain. – 1 Timothy 6:6

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